The Black Russian Terrier is a courageous and confident dog who tends to be aloof with strangers but utterly devoted to his people. To reach his full potential, he needs consistent guidance and direction from his equally confident owner.
Bladder stones are rock-like formations of minerals that develop in the urinary bladder. The most common signs in dogs are bloody urine and straining to urinate. Bladder stones can develop within a few weeks, or they may take months to form. Most are visible on X-rays or an ultrasonic bladder examination. There are three main treatment options for bladder stones: surgical removal, non-surgical removal by urohydropropulsion, or dietary dissolution. Prevention is possible in some cases, depending on the chemical composition of the stones.
Dogs appear to be more susceptible to blastomycosis than many other species. The blastomycosis fungus targets the respiratory tract, although it may spread throughout the entire body. Cytology and/or histopathology are required to diagnose blastomycosis conclusively.
Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid) can affect one or both eyes. The affected eyelid will usually be red, swollen, and itchy. Any condition that can cause irritation of the eyelids can lead to blepharitis. The numerous potential causes of this condition, along with the clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis are outlined in this handout.
Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV) is an acute, life-threatening condition where the stomach fills with large amounts of air and then twists around, effectively cutting off the outputs to the esophagus and intestine. Causes, signs, treatment, prognosis, and prevention are discussed.
This handout summarizes the possible reactions a dog may experience when receiving a blood transfusion. Many transfusion reactions occur acutely, within seconds of starting the transfusion up to 48 hours post-transfusion. The clinical signs and treatment protocols both vary based on the type of reaction. Prior to a blood transfusion, your veterinarian may perform tests to help ensure that the donor blood is a good match for your dog.
Bloodhounds are gentle and loving, especially with their people, even if they are not exactly paragons of grace and deportment.
Loveable, goofy and devoted, Bluetick Coonhounds are always game for a walk, chase or romp.
When traveling, you may need to board your pet at a kennel or veterinary clinic if friends, neighbors, or pet sitters are not an option. Ask for references to find a boarding facility and be sure to visit it before agreeing to have your pet stay there. A short stay before a longer trip can help your pet to settle in more easily. Be sure to leave emergency contact info for you and your veterinarian with the boarding facility.
Body condition scoring is an effective objective method of determining if a pet is at a healthy weight. There are 2 scoring systems: one out of 5 and the other out of 9. This handout outlines how to body condition score pets and recommends tracking body condition score to keep pets at a healthy weight, an important factor in pets living longer with less health complications.