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Preventive Care & Wellness + English

  • Choosing the right collar or harness for a dog requires understanding how each device works and what is best for the dog and the owner. Correct selection, fit, and use are crucial for any training tool's success.

  • Gentle, graceful and sweet, the Collie wags her tail gently whenever approached. Eyes seem to smile their welcome. They're willing to do the same chore again and again, only asking a loving touch in thanks.

  • Pet birds often become ill when they are not cared for or fed appropriately. Birds can develop infections with bacteria (e.g., Chlamydia psittaci) and parasites (e.g., Giardia). They also commonly suffer from reproductive problems (e.g., egg binding and tumors) and feather-picking. Birds on all-seed, high-fat diets may become obese and develop fatty liver syndrome. Older birds may develop cloacal papillomas or cancer. Your veterinarian familiar with birds will formulate an appropriate diagnostic and treatment plan if your pet bird becomes ill.

  • Common conditions of pet tortoises include: metabolic bone disease (MBD), pyramiding, vitamin A deficiency, respiratory diseases, abscesses, shell infections, shell trauma, and parasites. This handout outlines signs and treatments for each of these conditions. Seek immediate veterinary care if there is any deviation from normal in your pet tortoise.

  • There are several problems that can occur in aquatic turtles. This handout discusses the most noted problems: calculi, tissue prolapses, irregular shell growth, shell fractures or trauma, algae on the shell, skin and shell sloughing, Salmonella infection that can be passed to humans, dystocia, and hibernation.

  • Snakes have several unique problems and understanding these problems will allow you to better care for your pet and minimize future health care problems and concerns. This article outlines some of the most common problems.

  • Constipation is infrequent or difficult passage of stool or feces and is typically a temporary condition. Though there are many causes of constipation in dogs, most cases are caused by ingestion of irritating or indigestible substances. Constipation is usually diagnosed through a physical examination and medical history. A rectal exam to rule out rectal strictures, tumors, foreign bodies, or other abnormalities may be done. Abdominal radiographs, blood tests, and urinalysis are valuable for a full diagnosis and development of a treatment plan. Biopsies may also be recommended if a rectal mass or stricture is suspected. Most cases of constipation are relatively easy to treat through the use of manual removal, enemas, and medications. The prognosis for constipation is determined by the exact cause.

  • Conures are considered small- to medium-sized birds and are characterized by long slender bodies, long tapered tails, and large beaks. Tame conures can be very affectionate, social birds that demand a moderate amount of daily attention. Like all other pet birds, annual veterinary health check-ups are highly recommended.

  • Ulcerative keratitis is inflammation in the cornea of the eye. The signs of ulcerative keratitis depend somewhat on the cause and how long the condition has been present. There are many potential causes of ulcerative keratitis, including trauma, infection, and abnormal tear production. Antibiotic ointment or drops will be prescribed and it is important to prevent additional trauma to the cornea. Superficial corneal ulcers typically heal within 5 to 7 days. Deeper or more complicated ulcers may take several weeks to heal and may require surgery in addition to medical treatment.

  • Corns are specific types of bruises of the sole, specifically occurring at the angle of the sole between the hoof wall and the bars, i.e., at the 'seat of corn', most commonly affecting the medial (inside) aspect of the front feet.