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Medical Conditions

  • Lameness in Dogs

    Si un perro no puede moverse de forma normal se dice que está cojo. Las causas de cojera más habituales son el dolor en una articulación o en sus estructuras de soporte o bien la inestabilidad de una articulación.

  • Colitis simply refers to inflammation of the large intestine or colon. Signs include frequent, small volumes of semi-formed to liquid feces, straining, and small amounts of bright red blood. The causes of colitis include stress, infections, and parasites, trauma, allergic colitis, and primary inflammatory bowel disease. The diagnosis of colitis is based on your pet's clinical signs and history, microscopic evaluation of the feces, rectal examination, cytology, and blood tests. The specific cause of colitis will dictate the appropriate treatment. For most dogs diagnosed with colitis, the prognosis is excellent for a speedy recovery.

  • Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) is a genetic mutation affecting many breeds that causes developmental defects in the eye that can lead to vision deficits or blindness. This defect can be diagnosed by a veterinary ophthalmologist between 6 and 8 weeks of age by visualizing spots of choroidal hypoplasia or a colobomas . It can be associated with microphthalmia or enophthalmia. It can lead to retinal detachment and blindness. Although laser repair of partial retinal detachments can be attempted if detected in early stages, there is generally no treatment for CEA. Vision varies depending on the extent of the lesions and some dogs will become blind. Prevention requires not breeding animals that carry the mutation and this can be achieved through genetic testing of breeding dogs.

  • Color dilution alopecia is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that affects dogs with dilute-colored coats causing hair loss. Some dogs will also be affected by secondary bacterial infections so topical management and pruritus treatments may be needed to improve the dog's comfort. Affected dogs and their relatives should not be bred.

  • Pet birds often become ill when they are not cared for or fed appropriately. Birds can develop infections with bacteria (e.g., Chlamydia psittaci) and parasites (e.g., Giardia). They also commonly suffer from reproductive problems (e.g., egg binding and tumors) and feather-picking. Birds on all-seed, high-fat diets may become obese and develop fatty liver syndrome. Older birds may develop cloacal papillomas or cancer. Your veterinarian familiar with birds will formulate an appropriate diagnostic and treatment plan if your pet bird becomes ill.

  • Turtles may be affected by one of the following diseases: metabolic bone disease (MBD), vitamin A deficiency, respiratory diseases, abscesses, shell infections, shell fractures, and parasites. Improper diet, poor water filtration, and lack of UV light are contributing factors for many aquatic turtle diseases. Seek immediate veterinary care if your aquatic turtle shows any deviation from normal.

  • Turtles may be affected by any of the following conditions: metabolic bone disease (MBD), vitamin A deficiency, respiratory infections, abscesses, shell infections and fractures, and parasites. This article outlines typical signs and treatment for these common conditions. Seek immediate veterinary care if there is any deviation from normal in your pet turtle.

  • Common conditions of pet snakes include infectious stomatitis (mouth rot), parasites, skin infections, respiratory disease, septicemia, and viral diseases such as inclusion body disease (IBD). Signs may be specific for a certain disease or non-specific, such as lack of appetite and lethargy, which can be seen with many diseases. Any deviation from normal is a cause for concern and should be evaluated by your veterinarian as soon as possible. This handout outlines how to know your snake is sick and the treatments for common conditions.

  • Like other pets and people, mini-pigs can suffer from numerous health problems including inner/middle ear infections, foot abnormalities, atrophic rhinitis, pneumonia, intestinal parasites and obesity. Obesity can lead to joint injury and arthritis. Mini-pigs may ingest inappropriate items leading to gastrointestinal tract blockages. If blockages are not dealt with quickly intestinal rupture and death may occur.

  • Like other pets and people, mini-pigs may suffer from numerous health problems, including those associated with the urinary and reproductive tracts, eye health, melanoma, accidental poisoning, a bacterial disease called erysipelas, and an unusual disease called Dipity Pig.